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       Coaching introduces participants to the characteristics of coaching in natural learning environments. Coaching is a capacity-building interaction style that helps families learn and master strategies for promoting the child’s participation in routines-based learning opportunities and helps families identify and mobilize resources to support family well-being.

The (FIPP) Center for the Advanced Study of Excellence (CASE) in Early Childhood and Family Support Practices is a National Center of Excellence in Early Childhood. It is a research and training institute as well as an early childhood intervention program for children (ages birth to five years), families, and women who are pregnant

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The Evidence-based International Early Intervention Office (EIEIO) is a unit of the Department of Special Education and Multiple Abilities in the College of Education. The mission of the EIEIO is to promote family-centered, functional early intervention (birth - 5 years) through the Routines-Based Model

Wooden blocks that spell out the word Autism with black lettering in all capital letters.

Autism Specific Coaching

Ocali is a research and advocacy center that provides training and information for families andprofessionals. Specific to Autism, they have courses and an Autism Certification Center. Inorder to register for the courses, you must register for an “Ocali Pass.”

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This website offers free and paid trainings for parents and professionals. The courses cover a variety of topics, including: what does Autism look like in toddlers (with video clips) how to build social communication, building play skills, etc.  The course "Autism Navigator Jumpstart to Coaching in Everyday Activities" focuses on family coaching.

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The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) promotes policies and advances evidence-based practices that support families and enhance the optimal development of young children (0-8) who have or are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities. DEC is an international membership organization for those who work with or on behalf of young children (0-8) with disabilities and other special needs and their families

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Autism Focused Intervention Resources and Modules (AFIRM) for 27 evidence-based practices to support students with ASD. The modules support teachers in planning to use the practice, using the practice, and monitoring its use. The website also features other additional resources such as links to websites that further support the research of these practices.  The one titled "Parent Mediated Interventions" focuses on coaching.

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