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Creación de espacios de aprendizaje inclusivos para la primera infancia

     Many of the tools and strategies that we use for young children are also extremely beneficial for typically developing young children who are just learning to be at preschool for the first time.  These pages provide ideas and information on implement these tools and also teach the skills to children.


Haga clic a continuación para ver una lista de sitios web que respaldarán el trabajo que realiza cada día con niños en entornos inclusivos para la primera infancia.


Haga clic a continuación para ver una lista de oportunidades de capacitación que respaldarán el trabajo que realiza cada día trabajando con niños en entornos inclusivos para la primera infancia.


Inclusion is more than providing individually designed instruction to students in blended settings.  It is that - and - things like intentionally including a child's sensory preferences into dramatic play or their special interests in the play dough area.


This creates belonging.

A preschool aged boy with white skin and blonde hair is peering into a glass jar.

On this page you will find inclusive lesson plans, printouts of visuals, and other resources to support planning for your classroom.

Caring Child

Coming Soon

Everyday ways to support behavior at home and in the classroom.

Coming soon!


Formas sencillas de hacer que el juego sea inclusivo todos los días

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